A bucket list destination for many interliners is a trip to Egypt to see the great Pyramids and sail on a cruise on the Nile!
Here is our exclusive tour to this great and fascinating destination. The tour starts on Sept. 24, 2025 in Cairo for 9 nights. You will see the wonders of Cairo for 5 nights then sail on the mighty Nile River for 4 nights. Our tour includes the domestic airfare to and from the cruise, several meals and more. You can bring your extended family and friends along at the same rate as you or they can go on our discounted public price. You just get to Cairo and this tour does the rest. Click here for details and prices on this tour, then call InterlineTravel.com at 800 766-2911 to book or if you have more questions!
Looks interesting but I am getting an error message when I click on on it could you send me the direct link for itinerary and pricing?
check your email.
check now. We fixed the link.
I just sent you a question about the domestic airfare, but I found the answer . thank you
What cruise ship would this be on ? Double occupancy? Balcony?
It would be on the Blue Shadow I or similar,