We often get questions on how to get an interline discount a hotel or how to get a “crew” rate at a hotel.
We think the best place to find the lowest rate is from our Hotels by InterlineTravel.com product. We have done a lot of comparing of rates and we found our Hotels by InterlineTravel.com rates were usually less.
So check our rates first then if you want, look for the “interline discount” or “crew” rate from your particular hotel.
First of all let’s discuss the difference between an interline discount and a “crew” rate. You probably don’t want the “crew rate” as that is a special rate your airline has negotiated with the hotel for the flight crew. Since is it not based on availability but rather a contract rate is might be higher than an interline discount which is based on availability.
Also a “crew rate” would only be valid at say one or two hotels in a city where your flight crew overnights and often those hotels change and you would not know it.
What you want to look for is the interline discount at a hotel. For that you usually need to know the proper code to ask for that would be used to book your discount. So what are those codes? Well here is a list of hotel chains with the codes or the link to the hotels website with the code embedded in the link so you can book online. In some cases you will need to call the hotel and give the code listed. As we get more codes for more chains we will post them here so you can book your hotel at an interline discount. [Content protected for Members of InterlineTravel.com only, Sign up and join today! No Charge!]